Customer Service system

The system makes it possible to register, store, analyze, calculate and manage information on services rendered or offered, issue invoices to clients for services rendered according to fact, execution of work or according to tariffs. Track payments for services rendered in order to prevent debts to the company or manage debts.
- Manage accounts and payments
- Pay for services rendered
- Report meter readings
- Participate in reconciliations
- Streamlined Report faults, submit requests, make enquiries, order additional services and work
One system for all your needs
Unlimited number of tariffs and tariff plans
Integration of unlimited tariffs into tariff plans
Mass assignment / modification of tariff plans
tariff selection according to different components

The system is implemented in the WEB environment, so you can access it from any workstation or device with Internet connection and browser, if you have an account.
All data trading is done between all internal and external data systems, such as: Bank, Post Office, Supermarkets, Financial Accounting System and other systems used by businesses.
Implemented user rights systems
Implemented user rights systems to ensure that the user can only access the software modules, screen forms or reports that are to be used directly or by the assigned role.

The history of each payer's billings
The history of each payer’s billings, payments, rates, and attribute changes is presented in one place, with each document described in minute detail. Data is recorded on a historical basis, indicating the dates on which it was registered or expired. All documents of each payer are presented in one place (contracts, invoices, applications, correspondence, reminders, etc.). All documents generated by the system and / or loaded into the system are saved. They can be printed or saved at any time (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.). Thanks to the WEB application, external users (payers) can connect to the system and view their own payment history, services provided to them and additional information. Download / print invoices, send and receive messages from the administrator.
- Possibilities of creating tariff plans and rates
- Objects are freely configurable
- Dynamically create object types
- Create custom attributes