unified customer service center
Municipal residents and businesses can deal with all inquiries related to utilities in one physical and electronic location.
• One electronic place – one self-service
• One physical service location
• One contact center and one phone number
• One bill and one collection of contributions
• One debt administrator
• Unified customer service
• Unified information system – one software.
System aims to:
- To increase the quality of municipal service, the availability of services and to reduce the number of direct contacts by transferring as many residential service functions as possible to the electronic space;
- Optimize service costs by combining utility customer service into a single service center;
- To form the image of a progressive municipality for the residents and guests of the municipality.
Benefits for residents

the organization of technical work is centralized, and fault registration is carried out by a single Service center
issues of all utility providers are solved quickly and conveniently

saves time, service is in one place

Possibility to monitor the progress of ongoing and planned work.
The unified customer service center implements a system designed to centrally serve the recipients of utilities, ensuring the quality of services provided and shortening the time-of-service provision. It allows the service and information of the population to be provided in one place, thus reducing the time wasted by the population and saving their money.

Benefits for municipality

increase in the quality of provided services
reduction of service costs

rapid identification and elimination of losses or errors

population satisfaction
At the moment, most of the municipalities organizes the provision of utilities for one and the same customer, through several companies. Residents and businesses are served individually by each service provider.
If we take the time devoted to the service quality assessment of the resident, then the quality of the contract conclusion service would improve 3 times. Not only the time of the residents is saved, but also the resources of the municipal utility companies.

Benefits for service companies

distribution to the necessary specialists in companies and management of their implementation.

Savings in service
costs reduced by 30 - 50%